

The majority (and sometimes only) coverage of cognitive development in most developmental psychology textbooks focuses on Piaget. This is not to say that Piaget is either unimportant or uninteresting (although a case could be made for the latter, one of my former students having said that reading Piaget in the original is kind of like reading a manual for how to put your stereo together).

HOWEVER, I think that there is much more to children’s cognitive development than Piaget’s stages. (We will get to those eventually, though, if you are getting nervous about it.)

Then WHAT? I am glad you asked that question.

The biggest development during early childhood is LANGUAGE.

 Here I have more agreement with Erikson and none at all with Freud. Remember Freud focused on toilet training as a critical aspect of this age and said that people who are too harshly toilet trained become anal retentive, demanding that all rules be adhered to strictly. For example, even if your mother had died, an anal retentive teacher would say that "You missed class yesterday to go to the funeral, and I am sorry but rules are rules and you cant go on the class field trip because you don't have perfect attendance."

Erikson disagreed with Freud and argued that, during early childhood, much more is accomplished than toilet training. Children learn to be much more self-reliant, to follow rules, to engage in imaginary play and TO TALK.

The theorist I most like is Vygotsky (click here to find out a little about who Vygotsky was) who wrote, among other things, a good book called "Thought and language."

A few of Vygotsky’s  ideas were:

What are the  practical implications of this?

 Some specific actions which would be recommended based on Vytgotsky’s views are: =>

  • Talking about what the child is involved in at the present, giving him or her words to describe the experience the child is having. "We are going outside now. Before you go outside, you put your jacket on. This is your jacket. It is a green jacket."

  • Elaboration of the child's speech. When, for example, a child says, "That truck", you would respond by saying, "Yes, that is a truck. It's a green truck."

  •  Prompting the child to use language, e.g. , asking "What is that?" and further prompting to ask for more elaborate language. "You went to the lake yesterday? What did you do?" If that does not elicit a response, provide further prompts, "Did you fish? Did you catch any fish?"

  • Broadening the child's vocabulary by deliberately increasing the variety of words you use in your daily language, particularly words just above the child's current vocabulary level.  For example, you might say, "This package contains the basic colors," rather than ‘four colors’ or ‘the main ones’.


    What does other research show about Vygotsky?

    A number of studies, my favorite being the Harvard Preschool Project, have shown that children who develop well intellectually during early childhood have a couple of characteristics in common in their home environment.

    So, it seems that there are some practical recommendations from Vygotsky’s work, and that evidence supports that these recommendations may actually work.

    That is why I like Vygotsky.

    Click here to go on to the next web page about miscellaneous information on language and cognitive development (yes, including Piaget).

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