(I hope you read your textbook as well as the web pages, or are you ever in trouble. Maybe you should go back and read the book if you didn't!)

1.  Describe workers' initial reactions to unemployment.

2. Jill is about to graduate from high school. On the basis of the research on female vocational development, her counselor tells her that:
a) if she can afford to stay home and not work, she should
b) society will consider her work to be that of homemaker and mother
c) she can expect to earn just as much as a man if she gets a college degree
d) she can make it in the male-dominated job world, but sexism and pregnacy may conspire against her.

3. Which of the following individuals would be MOST satisfied with his job?
a) a 20-year-old assembly line riveter
b) a 50-year-old chef who gets to determine the menu selections
c) a 50-year-old man who has been assistant bank vice-president for ten years
d) a 25-year-old postal clerk who works in a sorting room with twenty other clerks

4. Jim is a 45-year-old man who recently divorced. Your best prediction is that Jim will
a) never remarry
b) remarry an older woman
c) remarry and have a good chance of getting divorced again
d)  be less likely to get remarried than a woman of the same age

5. The cessation of menstrual activity is called ___________.

6. As the director of a human service program, you are concerned about burnout and really want to make this the best possible environment for your staff. Unfortunately, you have a limited budget. List three specific actions you could take to minimize the possibility of burnout on the job.

7. Which of the following social interactions is most likely to occur?

a) a middle-aged man tells his best friend. "I am concerned about being impotent".
b) a middle-aged woman spends most of her time playing in a women's hockey league
c) a woman tells her husband that he can send out the invitations to the family reunion
d) a man continues playing basketball after sustaining an injury because his buddies need him to win the game.
8. Assume you are designing a web page to provide information on divorce, remarriage and stepfamilies. List five topics you would include, e.g., "psychological distancing"). Feel free to list more if the mood overwhelms you.

You can fax me your answers at (310) 396-0785

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