Development in Late Adulthood

1. Which of the following statements is most accurate concerning aging in the American culture?

a. Aging is viewed positively by both older and younger generations.
b. aging is viewed negatively by only those in the older generation
    who are experiencing it.
c. Aging does not, for the majority of Americans, destroy the
   continuity of who they are.
d. American senior citizens are more likely to be labeled with
   masculine characteristics than feminine ones.

2. The study of aging and the special problems of the elderly is _________ whereas the special branch of medicine that is concerned with the care and health of elderly persons is:

a. geriatrics; senescence
b. geriatrics; gerontology
c. gerontology; geriatrics
d. senescence; gerontology

3.  Which of the following statements regarding the Social Security system is the LEAST accurate?

a. One answer to the problems of the Social Security system has been raising the retirement age.
b. Today's younger workers must pay Social Security taxes of several thousand dollars a year for their entire working careers.
c. Critics of the system contend that most people could do much better if they were able to put their Social System contributions into a private pension plan.
d. Most economists say that we should make social security voluntary.
4. Which of the following statements is a fact?
a. Most old people are in poor health.
b. Less than one-tenth of the elderly who live at home are bedridden and homebound.
c. Most Americans over 65 find themselves in serious financial straits.
d. Most of the elderly view crime as a major concern.
5. When asked to compare their health with that of others their own age, the majority of the elderly who are not in institutions rate their health as
a. a serious handicap
b. good or excellent
c. bad or poor
d. slightly below average
6. In the first phase of Alzheimer's disease
a. the patient experiences multiinfarcts that destroy small areas of brain tissue
b. individuals forget where things were placed and have difficulty recalling events
c. there are difficulties in cognitive functioning that cannot be overlooked.
d. hyperthyroidism leads to signs of depression.
7. Which of the following statements regarding Alzheimer's disease is most accurate?
a. There is no evidence supporting a genetic source for Alzheimer's disease.
b. Many adults with Down syndrome eventually develop Alzheimer's lesions.
c. Alzheimer's induced senility is an easily treated condition.
d. Ninety percent of all cases of senility are caused by Alzheimer's.

8. On the show, Ripley's Believe It or Not, a man in the Soviet Republic of Georgia was interviewed and claimed to be 120 years old. We can probably conclude that:

a. he eats Dannon yogurt
b. he comes from a rural area and is exposed to less air pollution
c. his claim to be 120 years old is probably an exaggeration
d. his dietary habits are healthier than those of most Americans.
9. Your 10-year-old daughter tells you that she understands why old people are so cranky and crotchety all the time. It is because most of them are sick and invalid and cannot take care of themselves. This perception is
a. very sophisticated for a 10-year-old
b. somewhat inaccurate but very close to the truth
c. confused because your daughter has paired the wrong causes with the right effects
d. inaccurate and may inadvertently perpetuate the inferior status of the elderly
10. You go to visit your elderly grandmother and notice she is disoriented (what day is it?) and very agitated (pacing incessantly in her apartment). You are concerned about her atypical behavior because she is usually calm and aware. What might you reasonably do next?
a. call 911 immediately
b. suggest she take a nap to sleep it off
c. prepare a meal for her so she has something in her stomach
d. check her prescriptions and call the pharmacist about side effects

11. Often ________________ intelligence shows an increase with age while _______________ intelligence shows a decrease.

12. Paul, a 70-year-old retiree, has been exercising regularly for the past 45 years of his life. It is likely that Paul's physical fitness regimen results in

a. an increased replacement of lost muscle mass
b. a decreased risk of developing depression
c. a doubling in his life span
d. an increased risk of bone fractures
13. A psychology professor finds that elderly adults perform more poorly on anagrams than younger adults. However, when elderly adults are given practical problems to solve (e.g., what would you do if your refrigerator was warm inside?) they perform as well as younger adults. We can therefore conclude that
a. the elderly demonstrate learning competence but not performance
b. memory is not necessary to solve practical learning problems
c. the elderly perform well only on the familiar, habitual tasks
d. the second task was more relevant for the elderly, and therefore, they were motivated to do better.
14. Your elderly mother keeps forgetting where she has put her glasses, checkbook, and keys. You should therefore conclude that
a she has suffered a stroke
b. no definite conclusions are warranted without further information
c. she has Alzheimer's disease
d. she is suffering from an irreversible organic brain syndrome