
September 30, 1998


The fractal contest at the Fractalus site is over. The entries can now be revealed. See my entries page to see the images I personally entered and the ones that I considered entering.

This one is my favorite of the three, and my family thought it was pretty good too. It was my only entry that got any votes at all! Considering the competition, and the fact that every voter cast only one vote for the “best” in each category, I consider it an honor to have gotten even one vote. Anyhow, it was fun and I’m looking forward to the next contest.

This is a Julia set based on the formula z^3/(z^3 + 0.5). It is a “stalk” fractal with both inner and outer extent set to non-zero values (it’s rare for me to mess with the inner extent). They are both set to very small values.

At the bottom of the page is a link to an image of “Triptych” in 1024 X 768 format.

You can hardly see the “fractal” detail in the center of this image, so as an added treat, there follows a link to a closeup of some detail in the image.